Art & Wedding Cakes

Sweet finds!

I just love twitter. One fun bread crumb after the other...

Today... I followed a tweet from Janie of Bride's Cafe' who is featuring Shauna Younge Dessert Tables {a talented Minneapolis-based dessert designer}. Shauna is guest-posing at the cafe' and it's a great post with inspirational and creative tips for creating your own buffet dessert table!

Naturally, I then went to Shauna's blog where a couple posts back, she was featuring a couple of extraordinary wedding cakes by artist Maggie LaBaugh of Magpie's Cakes.  And, that's when my jaw dropped. So naturally, I then went to Maggie's site and I knew I wanted to share!

Before becoming a chef, Maggie was a classical ballet dancer and all the precision and elegance and softness from dancing is so evident in her artful cakes. Her cakes are like edible performing art. Seriously beautiful. Here are three of my favorites.


{click to enlarge & to better appreciate}

You can check out Maggie's entire portfolio here.

BTW, are you on twitter yet?