Deb is one of our customer care reps. (sales & marketing office in MN) who received this beautiful, large bouquet of flowers. Roses, stargazer lilies, zinnias, delphiniums, mums, carnations, etc… spilling over from a glass vase, wrapped with a purple organza ribbon. Gorgeous! We gathered around her, taking in the colors and scents, speculating on the reasons for receiving these beautiful flowers. No, it was not her birthday, anniversary or an apology gift. These flowers were sent from one of our customers. Cool huh?

This customer appreciated the service she received and decided to take the time and expense to thank Deb with flowers. But, it doesn’t stop there.
We soon find out that this same customer also sent our customer care rep. Michelle and designer, Debbie, (corporate office in IL) a stunning floral array as well. Michelle and Debbie, were able to accommodate all of the customer’s special requests and quickly! Needless to say, this customer was very grateful to Deb, Michelle and Debbie for their coordinated and timely efforts.

Can you believe the size of this sunflower?
We truly do have wonderful customers! Your energy and excitement is ever-apparent and it is fun to be able to bring to you great designs and excellent service! In this case, our wonderful customer chose to show us her appreciation of our services in a tangible way. We love and appreciate to hear from our customers and we usually do so through testimonials. We will never have enough of those~ so keep them coming and continue to let us know how we’re doing! Email
I’ll just go ahead and brag for a moment on the teamwork of our customer care staff! They are great, really! Every day they bring courteousness and professionalism to our customers. Deb (as awesome as she is) could not have processed the order without the help of Michelle (as awesome as she is) who if it weren’t for Debbie, the designer (yes, she’s awesome too) nothing would have happened at all. It is about the coordination of efforts between great staff who communicate and advocate for the customer that is the real means to getting the job done.
They are all fantastic and deserve loads and loads of praise! They do this every day and I for one, am glad this wonderful customer took the time to let them know! On behalf of those involved, we THANK YOU Sue, Chad and Meghan for the beautiful flowers and making the world even a little brighter at MagnetStreet. And, thank you Deb, Michelle and Debbie for a job well done as well as the rest of our customer service and design staff that bring these exact qualities to work every day!
The next time one of your vendors goes above and beyond- let them know. It is a huge encouragement.