Readings at the Ceremony

by: Heidi
2 minutes
This past weekend my husband and I had the honor of participating in the wedding ceremony of two of our good friends, Don and Kim. We were assigned to read aloud three sets of...

French Country Style and Charm

by: Heidi
2 minutes
Wine... Cheese... Brioche and Baguettes... It's inspiration Friday and today we're exploring the warm, inviting and casual elegance of a French country theme. When I think of...

Food For Thought

by: Heidi
3 minutes
Food . . . we socialize around it, sometimes indulge in it, and of course receive our daily sustenance from it. As you plan and finalize what you'll serve at your reception...

Dressing Your Flower Girl

by: Heidi
2 minutes
"Isn't she adorable?" "look how darling..." "aww..." are some of the type comments heard as the flower girl walks (or adventures) down the aisle. Most certainly, the flower...

Black and White Color Palette

by: Heidi
1 minute
Dimension, depth, clean, classic, sleek-chic distinction... are all words I would use to describe a black and white color palette. Damask prints and modern elements only add...

Real Wedding Inspiration

by: Heidi
1 minute
Gearing up for a nice long weekend? Let's get our inspiration on a little early... Enjoy these gorgeous photographs from the oh-so talented Heidi Munson from Chocolate Sushi...

Cigar Rollers and Weddings, huh?

by: Heidi
1 minute
I get it now. After a couple of conversations with a colleague who enjoys smoking cigars every now and again (my own husband too), I understand the allure that a professional...

Welcoming Your Traveling Guests

by: Heidi
2 minutes
There were quite a few people who came from out of town to attend our wedding. I put together welcoming gifts for my parents and grandmother and other family members but I...

The Beauty of a Fall Wedding

by: Heidi
1 minute
It's Inspiration Friday! While I certainly don't want to rush summer along, fall is right around the corner and is absolutely splendid here in Minnesota. Brimming with the...

Putting Hope Back into the Chest

by: Heidi
2 minutes
As a bride someday...thinketh On getting married... according to a 13 year-old. Meet Anna. "Yes. I think about my dress and my husband and being married. My dress will be...

Board Games as Centerpieces

by: Heidi
2 minutes
I love to play board games! Just last night the hubby and I were outside on the patio playing a mean game of Chinese Checkers (I lost. He beat me by a whopping 3 moves). In...

Color Your Wedding with Jewel Tones

by: Heidi
2 minutes
Add a little color or a lot of color to your wedding this fall or next season with stunning and beautiful jewel tones, modeled after nature's own bling. Ya gotta love nature...