Choosing Your First Dance Song

wedding danceIt's your first dance as a married couple, a milestone to be sure, and you most want the song you choose to say who you are together ~ whether by way of being your song, a classic song of committed love, or something completely off-beat that is just unmistakably ALL you.

Recently a video made the rounds on the web of a couple who took a very fun and unique approach to the wedding march.  This got me to thinking about music and how very personal it is, how it has the power to communicate so much more than the words being spoken.

Hubby and I went the traditional route with Mendelsohn's wedding march song and the ever-romantic Endless Love for the first dance.  I have to say it was lovely for us, which is what counts . . .but there are sooooo many other options to consider, so many ways to make the music speak your very own personal love language.

Choosing that first dance song is a cinch for some couples, but for others, sometimes those who love all kinds of music, it's really tough to pick just the right one for this truly momentous occasion.   So, in the spirit of getting those musical, romantic wheels rolling, here's a couple of simple resources for you as you make this all-important decision:

~ asks you a series of simple questions about the style of music you like, the lyrics, etc., and then lays out some great first-dance options to choose from.

~ If you want to take a more methodical approach, read these articles . . . this one contains more in-depth questions for you and your intended to consider; and this one is more about choosing slow dance songs in general.

~ If you want to really surprise and entertain your guests with your first dance, consider mixing it up and having some fun out there on the dance floor.  Weddingbee has some great examples to get your creative juices flowing!

~ And, lastly, if what you really want is a list of popular songs to choose from, the Knot has put together some good ones, whether you're looking for a timeless, traditional first dance song or something hip and creative.

Whatever song or style you choose for your very first dance as a married couple, obviously the point is to celebrate.  And, since it's your day, the one day that is all about you, well, nobody can tell you you're doing it wrong, right?

