Got Romance?

OK, Valentines Day is right around the corner... what does that mean for you?  Yikes! The pressure is on or... can't wait to pull out the stops...

Speaking as a happily married woman and have said before~ there are two ingredients that keep romance alive in our relationship: knowing each other and surprising each other!

In other words, keep them guessing by paying attention to them.  Sound cryptic?  Sorry about that but it's different for everybody.  No two couples are alike and no one knows your mate better than you do!

The beauty of knowing each other is a lifelong process and one you can embrace, every day. Wondering about the surprise element?  Simply stated, SURPRISE HIM (btw, this idea should work both ways!)

For instance... You hate stock-car racing but he LOVES stock-car racing.  Surprise him with tickets and cheer with him the whole day, acting like it's a blast to watch cars crash into each other.  The day might not be too miserable after all and besides, it's not about you it's about him and that is my point!  Trust me, he will appreciate it!  I encourage you to use your imagination and add spice to make your date even more memorable. Wink

OK, Valentines Day specifics...

Mood or Ambiance:

1. low level lighting

2. R&B in the background

3. dining in with favorite foods

What to do:

1. redo, redefine or rediscover a memorable date

2. write a love letter

3. go to dinner, a walk

4. Fill your place with flowers

Aphrodisiacs... (ok, even if they are fact or fiction, you can't deny the history behind the idea of them...

1. oysters: (for me yuck, but my husband loves them)

2. le chocolat:

3. almonds

4. asparagus (really? It's the Vitamin E)

5. chili peppers

No need to spend a lot of money~ nothing will touch the heart of your partner more than your thoughtfulness and allowing what is special and unique about your partner~ to lead the way!

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