How to Be Perfect Hosts

What a daunting task to throw a party for 100, 200, 300+ people ... I'm betting that it's probably the biggest party you will have thrown to date! How can you be hosts with the mosts & have a terrific day yourself? I think it has to do with a thoughtful & well-executed plan.

7 Ways To Be The Perfect Hosts!

1. Comfy guests are happy guests! Making sure your guests are comfortable and safe is high priority! You simply need to put yourself in their position and think about what you'd expect ... For instance, outdoor weddings require lots of planning: i.e. make sure there is shelter nearby or at least be ready for plan B if it rains. If the day is hot, hot, hot--make sure there is enough water, fans, & access to shade. Are paths even to walk along? Is it safe for children? Are bathrooms easily accessible? If they'll be sitting for a long while, are their seats comfy enough? With indoor events--think about about creating sitting areas where guests can converse & perhaps take a break from a loud band or DJ every once in a while.

2. Make the rounds-Hospitality is huge! In some cases, your guests have traveled a great distance to support you on your big day! Make sure that you get a chance to meet with every single guest with a hug & a hello. Some guests might not want to "bother" you as everyone is vying for your attention but it's important to do your best to speak with everyone! You may have to get help--ask your new Husband, Mom, and Maid of Honor to help you seek out & connect with some guests.

3. Fabulous food- Whether your serving hamburgers & brats or fillet Mignon, make sure your food tastes great! Quality is key and if your guests can recognize most of what is on the menu--all the better! The food will be one of the elements your guests will remember the most! And, if there are any dietary considerations to consider, see that your caterer honors them.

4. Sense of direction- If you have out of town guests, make sure they are well well-equipped with maps, hotel & travel information. Stay abreast of any road construction that may hinder their travels on wedding day.

5. Keep in time- Some delays can't be helped but overall, stick to the schedule. Not only will your guests & wedding party appreciate the timeliness, so will your vendors. Tip: type up a wedding itinerary& schedule & give a copy to your vendors & wedding party members.

6. Seating satisfaction- Assigned seating. This option is ideal for large receptions or when there are family members who aren't getting along. Additionally, guests do not have to make a decision where to sit--thus eliminating the awkward milling about. You're in control ... Aunt Grace won't be stuck near the speaker and Uncle Jim  won't be stuck next to Uncle Bill--whom he is still feuding with.

7. Dazzling details: Small, thoughtful gestures go very far and have a deep impact on your guests. From toiletries in the bathroom, to helpful signage {menu items, directions} to explanations in your programs regarding special readings, songs or unfamiliar customs ... By keeping your guests informed, you'll also keep your guest included in the festivities, which will result in greater support & participation.

Get savvy advice from those that have gone before you--like your married friends and your wedding planner! If you're planning a destination wedding, talk to someone who has planned a destination wedding before. Tap into their wisdom and experience!

What else can we add to this list!  

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