Marriage Proposal Extraordinaire

How did your man propose marriage?  This one featured below was pretty ingenious, winning a spot in the Eight Best Techie Marriage Proposals on Switched.  Let us know what you think!

When Bjorn, a Computer Science student was planning how to propose to his lovely Jenny, he decided to go with what he knew best ~ his Mac.  He gave Jenny his password and told her to open his computer to see something he’d been working on.

When the computer booted up, she found a photo of the two of them with instructions to push the F12 button.  When she did, a dashboard widget popped up with a picture of a wedding ring along with the proposal.  Jenny turned to Bjorn who was now down on one knee, confessing his love.

Wow, Bjorn . . . nicely done!

Every marriage proposal is unique ~ tell us about yours in the comments!
