REFUSE to be Offended

Are there people in your life that aren't fulfilling their obligations? Not returning your calls? Not living up to their word~ seemingly, just taking up your space? REFUSE to be offended!  Love 'em anyways. Give them the benefit of the doubt before casting them out to sea.  Who knows, maybe that email you sent went straight to junk... Besides, we ALL have bad days.

Is it possible to get through life refusing to be offended?  If you’re anything like me (too sensitive and easily distracted), you get your feelings hurt easily. Thankfully, I bounce back quick enough, refusing to stay down too long. It’s depressing down there.  I hate being depressed.  And for that matter, I hate PMS.  It does nothing for society.  If I could shoot it, I would!

Refusing to be offended is a choice~ albeit most difficult at times.  People let people down.  I'm surprised it hasn't happened to me yet this morning. It's a human condition.  I'm not referring to major life issues here, more referring to day-to-day as you deal with vendors, work-mates, family, bridesmaids... the nuisance, irritating "I wish they'd get their act together" kinda stuff.

Live audaciously.  Be wise.  Be forgiving.  It takes a lot less energy to be happy than to be offended.  Go ahead, resend that email and have a nice day!