Retro-Designed Inspiration Board

Love the look, style and feel of a certain era? Glitz and glam of old Hollywood, the jazz age of the 20's, the nifty 50's...  Consider having a retro wedding theme.  By transporting your guests back in time, you will give them an experience they won't likely forget.

Stay true to the feel of the era by incorporating the classic elements that keep this period so well known and loved.   Choose meal styles, wedding attire, venues, decorations... that naturally support the era and lend to its charm and classic style.

I can totally see how much fun a roaring 20's theme would be.  Imagine introducing your guests to the playfulness of this decade.

hmm... Your reception might be held in an historic building.  Strands of pearls, art deco everywhere and Ella ringing out in the background by way of a live jazz band . Satin dresses, gloves and red lips.   A cocktail bar.  Your guests dancing the  Charleston and the night away. You come and go in your vintage car...

What do you think?  Are you having a retro-themed wedding?  Tell us about yours in the comments.

Today...the luckiest day in China


Opening Olympic Ceremonies

Go Olympians!!