Wedding Budget Guide- Download

I think we can all agree ... we love to save money ... but we hate watching the budget- no fun at all! And, because wedding costs add up very quickly, many couples go way over their wedding budget. That said, it's important to know your costs so you're not taken by surprise and have to cut things later. Continue reading for 10 creative ways to help you save ... First, check out this post Who Pays for What for a traditional breakdown on who pays for what- it's one of the first things on the "to do" list after getting engaged. Then, soon afterwards you'll want to talk about what you really want in your wedding- the desires of your heart stuff. Then, do your research on what things and services actually cost while comparing prices and perhaps doing a little negotiating for those things. In fact, check out this post to see read how Nicole and Nick bartered many of their wedding costs {very creative + cool e-session photos}. 10 Ways to save on your wedding budget: 1. Save postage by sending RSVP Postcards. 2. Wedding dress: shop off the rack, clearance or sample sales. Go vintage and restore your mom's/grandmother’s dress and her jewelry. 3. Veil: DIY. 4. Decorations: DIY. Clip coupons from local craft stores. Choose pre-decorated venues at holiday times. Rent or borrow rather than buy. Nature provides a lot of her own decorations. 5. Flowers: Arrange by color rather than flower type and choose in-season. Use single flowers rather than bouquets. Silk over fresh. Grow your own flowers from seeds. 6. Venues: Generally less expensive are university chapels or your home church, backyards, flower gardens, zoo, city or state parks, your home etc. 7. Reception: Buffet or hors d'oeuvre meal style rather than a sit-down. Host the reception on a Friday night or serve earlier rather than later. Cupcakes instead of cake. No alcohol or limited alcohol. Consider a venue that allows you to bring in your own food and drink. 8. Professionals: Although I am a proponent of using professionals, hiring or not hiring depends on your needs but alas, you set the limits on their time and services. Check with the local college or university for interns in photography, floral, music, etc. MagnetStreet Weddings has created a Budget Guide to help you track and categorize expenses. Plus, cool interactive features help make the categorizing and tracking all the easier! Download our Budget Guide here. Two other ways to save with MagnetStreet Weddings: 9. Subscribe to Bride Vibe- and receive exclusive discounts {and other cool stuff} 10. Check MagnetStreet's coupon codes - for the latest and greatest deals and discounts What is one way you've saved big or are saving big on wedding costs? image source