Wonderful- Let me see your wedding ring!


I'm happy to introduce Truly Engaging's first guest blogger~

Senior Marketing Coordinator
MagnetStreet Weddings
It was a magical moment- after many months of dating and many declarations of love, Luke asks the one question she was longing to hear… “Will you marry me?” A rush of wonderful emotions race through her as she joyfully and tearfully exclaims, “YES!”
Bursting with happiness, she is longing to tell everybody. Laura meets her friend over coffee the next morning to share the wonderful news. Her best friend jumps up and down and gives her a heart-felt hug and tells Laura how happy she is for her.  People turn to see, wondering what all the excitement is about. But, it doesn’t matter- she is getting married!
Then, her friend gleefully asks to see the ring…time stands still…their eyes lock…who will speak next? After a pause, Laura quietly states she doesn’t have a ring yet…another long pause…
Romantic tradition, hollywood movies, everyday advertising, exaggerated proposals tend to tell us, it’s all about the ring. The wedding ring is probably the most famous and instantly recognizable symbol of joining husband and wife together in marriage. In the early times, wedding rings were all very similar and they were made from braided reeds, slowly changing forms with the knowledge of metallurgy of the times to what it is now. Today we have an overwhelming choice of wedding rings made with all kinds of styles, sizes, precious metals, precious stones varying in cuts and colors, etc. It’s big business.
Has it become all about the ring? Is the ring today more than a symbol? Has it become more important than the commitment two people are making to each other? Is the ring something to show off? Is it a status symbol?
What does the ring mean to you? Could you be satisfied with a braided reed or a proposal without a ring?