Always A Bridesmaid, Never A Bride

Opening in theatres today, 27 Dresses is the new romantic-comedy featuring (Katherine Heigl, KH) a woman who is always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Although I’ve heard good things about KH and her acting, I’ve not seen her in anything~ no, not even Grey’s Anatomy.
I did however; see a clip of this movie and there were some pretty nasty looking bridesmaids’ dresses in her closet. Now, I know no one on God’s green earth is forced to wear dresses like these in real life…are they? (I guess if I think about it, I have a not-so pretty in pink, off the shoulder number hanging around somewhere.)
If you've been a bridesmaid that had to wear a less-than-gorgeous dress, by all means, share!  Email me a photo (you don't have to be in it). We’ll post the top 2.
OK~ this is fun. The website of 27 Dresses has an interactive tool called build a bridesmaid dress. Upload your photo and then dress yourself (or someone else) and email them the final look. Seriously, aside from quite possibly being a complete waste of your time, it might actually facilitate your efforts in looking for the perfect dress, fit, color, style, etc. Try it. If nothing else, it’ll be fun.
Don’t forget to turn in photos of your dresses!!!!!!!!
photo courtesy: craig1black