Asking Permission For Your Hand in Marriage

The old tradition of young men needing to ask the father's permission to marry their daughters had more to do with finances and alliances and less to do with romance and love.

I have a friend, Jennifer.  When her then boyfriend went to her parent's house to ask permission to marry her,  Jennifer's mom opened the door and said, "What, are you here to ask permission to marry Jennifer?"  You might say that Mike felt a wee bit awkward.  Completely taken off guard, Mike did not proceed with the question he had prepared.

Friend, Joyce and her husband have two daughters.  Both of their then boyfriends asked for permission to marry.  "It was an honor and a blessing, says Joyce."

My husband asked my dad for my hand.  He said "yes."  They have a great relationship to this day.

My friend Dave asked permission as well.  Her dad said, "Does Lisa know about this?"

Clearly, these type scenarios have the potential for unknown outcomes, arbitrary comments and awkward moments... what do you think?

Is asking permission for a daughter's hand a respectful and romantic tradition that honors her father?  Or, do you think that asking the father for permission to marry his daughter is an antiquated tradition?  Could it even be considered offensive to modern women?

What do you think?