Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Since 1924, we’ve been giving it up for Dad’s everywhere, thanks to President Calvin Coolidge’s proclamation.

Father's Day is right around the corner, June 15th.  How will you be honoring your Dad?
Fun Gift Ideas that cost next to nothing
~ Gift card tucked inside a great new coffee mug.  Or, even better...fill the mug with notes of love and appreciation and watch his face as he reads every single one.
~Volunteer to mow the lawn, trim the bushes
~gift card for Car Washes
~gift card for Oil Changes
~Cook his favorite meal or dessert

Some really cool (and moderately priced) gift ideas for Dad found on

for the tech-saavy Dad:  Charging Valet

Very sleek looking AND charges 3 gadgets at a time...

for the NON-tech saavy Dad Weather Station

Wireless 5-day forecast, no computer necessary... Is your Dad glued to the weather station?  I also saw a portable weather station, small enough for their pockets...very cool.

For the Dad who loves to grill...   Motorized Grill Cleaner

One of my favorite Dad stories from growing up...
When I was about 9 years old, a friend and I each stole a pair of knee-high nylons.  (To this day, I've no idea why two 9 year-olds would even want knee-high nylons for).  Mom must've wondered the same thing when she found them in my drawer~ I probably didn't even think to hide them.

The next day at school, I just knew something had gone terribly wrong.  I had that horrible, dreaded feeling all day long.  I knew it...there she was, standing at the bus stop with something in her hand.  I could see her a full block away... seething, snorting and just shy of stomping her foot, patiently waiting for me to get off the bus.

Soon, I found myself being transported to the scene of the crime, apologizing to the manager and returning the knee-high nylons that I would never have a use for anyways.  "Just wait til your father gets home" and "my heart is broken" "how could you do this" were just some of the comments I heard on the way home.

I waited a horrible 2 hours or so for Dad to come home from work.  With tears in my eyes and running down my face, I confessed my grand theft nylon caper to him.  He looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "if you wanted knee-high nylons Heidi, I would have bought them for you." My dad, my hero still loved me, wasn't mad at me, wasn't ashamed of me.  In his eyes, my penance was complete.  I was never enticed to steal nylons or anything else ever again!

Thanks for your kindness Dad~ of which I have never forgotton.  I love you!!

So, did your Dad have a "saying?"
Like,  "I don't know, Go ask your mother" or, "not til you eat those vegetables..."

Share your favorite "dad saying" in the comments below!