Honoring a Deceased Loved One

Celebrate your marriage as well as honor your deceased loved one!  It can be done beautifully, respectfully and meaningfully without it being depressing...

Some Great Ideas:

  • A special reading or prayer during the ceremony
  • Special flowers laid on the altar
  • Dedicate special music, poetry or a song
  • Light a memorial candle
  • Dedication in the program
  • Special video tribute at the reception
  • Offer a special toast
  • Place a memorial table at the reception with a few of these items:
    • poem
    • flowers
    • scrapbook
    • photos
    • memorial candle

I wish I could provide you with the link to this next idea but I cannot remember where I saw it. Sorry, Sorry!

The idea featured setting out cupcakes for everyone at the reception (it may have been cookies), attaching the recipe to each cupcake.  For instance, Grandma's "favorite" recipe would be such an endearing gift and a wonderful way to share her memory.   I love it!!

This same idea can be translated into whatever was special about your deceased loved one.  For instance, handing out trivia questions to honor the classic movie buff, sharing golf tees to honor the beloved golfer, giving out a potted plant to honor the avid gardener....

(if you recognize the idea, please let me know)

Have you seen someone honored in a special way? Do Share!