Modern Wedding Invitations

When I got married, all wedding invitations looked basically the same. The place of business I got them from was unremarkable, I don’t even recall the name. What I do remember is wading through a very large book whereby I chose the most elegant and affordable “beige” set of invitations available to me. Were they exciting? No. Were they unique? Not so much. Did they communicate important wedding details? Oh yes, and no mistake, my wedding invitation is a very important keepsake and means a lot to me~ no matter what it looks like.

Style Code: INV-11657


BUT, today’s invitations are fantastic~ full of color, design embellishments and even personal photos! There is so much to choose from depending on a couple’s style and level of formality.


I recognize that these alluring options might be the very thing that pushes someone traditional right over the edge. Nevertheless, I love all the choices now available. There are still plenty of us out there that like things a little more traditional, but I would have loved a little less beige and a lot more color when I got married.





Tell us~ where does your style lean? What is one element you are most attracted to about today’s invitation styles?