My Wedding Nighmare!

Admittedly, I've been too serious lately. I know this because last night I had a nightmare... about me getting married. Very similar to  those college "final exam" nightmares where you wake up in a cold sweat because you are totally unprepared for this huge test, I woke the same way. As I broke through the rings of consciousness, I wondered why the pounding of my heart, didn't wake my husband.

cute wedding photo

"It was my wedding day but I had no photographer, no flowers and I realized that I needed "flats" with my short dress { yeah, I don't get that part}. Oh, and my lipstick kept coming off... It was horrible. I could hear the guests in the next room and someone kept calling me about getting to the wedding...  but I was frantic because all these realizations were last minute. It was horrible! The last scene is me picking this huge light pink gladiola-type flower out of the garden for my arm bouquet. Oh, and to top everything, there was no groom~ but I didn't even realize that until I woke up."

Allow my sordid subconscious to be your guide... take time off from wedding planning to relax and have fun!

the following quotes ought to produce a few giggles anyways.

In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk. {Rita Rudner}

Behind every great man there is a surprised woman. {Zsa Zsa Gabor}

I never mind my wife having the last word. In fact, I'm delighted when she gets to it. {Walter Matthau}

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. {Rita Rudner}

