One Invitation Design… Three Looks

As different...

as each Bride & Groom

Pocket Invitations, Spring

Come closer...Notice the substantial difference that simply changing colors makes in discovering a whole new Invitation look and feel!

Originally-designed in yellow, the Invite on the left is springy, fun, lighthearted and a bit whimsical.  A lovely Invitation ensemble for the bride and groom having a spring or summer wedding.

But, maybe a springy and whimsical feeling evoked with the Invitations is not at all your intent!  Your wedding is a multicultural event being held in the Fall.  Your wanting to evoke a completely different feeling~ one filled with rich, bold colors... as in the second Invite.

Or, perhaps your of another mindset altogether.  You have an entirely different vision for this Invitation ensemble.  Yours is a more formal wedding, possibly even whispering of vintage.  How stately this Invitation ensemble looks in the black and white combination.

Also apparent... the design elements seemingly subtle in one design, command our attention in the next.  This is the incredible power of color and design.  So go ahead and put on your rose colored glasses or your magenta ones... and experiment with the possibilities hidden in color!

As always, I love LOVE to hear from you!