Save the Date Postcards: Pros and Cons

Save the Date Postcrds on a tray

Save the date postcards have become a popular trend in recent years for announcing upcoming weddings, events, or parties. They are a great way to inform your guests about the date, time, and location of your event in advance. However, like any other decision, save the date postcards come with both advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of using save the date postcards to help you decide if they are the right choice for you.

Pros of Postcards

Helps Guests Plan Ahead
One of the most significant benefits of save the date postcards is that they help guests plan ahead. By providing them with the date, time, and location of your event in advance, they can make arrangements to attend your event without having to worry about last-minute conflicts. It also helps guests who need to travel to your event to make travel arrangements and book accommodations.

Creates Anticipation
Sending out save the date postcards creates anticipation and excitement for your upcoming event. It builds anticipation in your guests and gives them something to look forward to. This is especially true if you have a unique or interesting theme for your event.

Serves as a Reminder
Save the date postcards serve as a reminder for your guests about your upcoming event. Even if they received the invitation months in advance, it's easy for guests to forget about it. Save the date postcards serve as a gentle reminder to your guests to keep your event in mind.

Cost Efficient Option
Save the date postcards can be a cost-efficient option compared to traditional save the dates. Since postcards don't require envelopes, you save money on postage and the cost of envelopes. Additionally, postcards are usually less expensive than magnets, which can help you stay within your budget. If you're looking for a budget-friendly option that still creates excitement for your event, save the date postcards can be a great choice.

Cons of Save the Date Postcards

Additional Cost
Save the date postcards are an additional cost that you need to consider when planning your event. Depending on the number of guests you have, this cost can add up quickly. If you're working with a tight budget, save the dates might not be the best choice for you.

Potential for Errors
When sending out save the date postcards, there is always the potential for errors. You might misspell a guest's name or include the wrong date or location. These mistakes can be costly and can lead to confusion and frustration for your guests. Additionally, details can change. Save the dates are sent far in advance, so if details change, you will have to send out a change the date or a second save the date.

Limited Information
Save the date postcards are typically limited in the amount of information you can include. You need to be concise and only include the most critical details. This means that you might not be able to include additional information, such as dress code, registry information, or event schedule.

Lack of Formality
Save the date postcards can be seen as less formal than traditional paper invitations. If you're planning a formal event, such as a wedding or black-tie affair, postcards may not convey the level of formality you're aiming for. While postcards can be a fun and creative option, they may not be appropriate for all events. If you're looking to convey a formal tone, consider using traditional paper invitations or digital save the date options that allow for more customization and formality.

Postcards Photo Save the Dates

Save the date postcards are a popular trend for announcing upcoming weddings, events, or parties. They come with several advantages, such as helping guests plan ahead, creating anticipation, serving as a reminder, and helping with headcounts. However, they also have some drawbacks, such as additional cost, potential for errors, and limited information. Ultimately, the decision to use save the date postcards depends on your specific event and budget. If you have the budget and want to create anticipation for your guests, save the date postcards can be an excellent choice.