Sympathy Pains!

CONGRATULATIONS to all my newly-engaged readers!

You have my sympathy!

No NO... not because you're engaged but because of all the decisions you have to make so quickly out of the engagement gate.  I was once again reminded of this as I sat listening to the plans of my newly-engaged friend~ Nalie.

because ASAP after sharing the joyous news there's...

setting the date! Picking the best date can be a complete feat in itself! Many couples have close family and friends that will need to make travel arrangements or plan around vacations, school schedules or other activities...

find ceremony and reception sites based on your chosen date! And, you need a close estimate on your guest count so your venue can accommodate the number.

Not to mention... choosing formality, style and colors and setting that budget!!

Tell me

1. Where are you in wedding planning?

2. What was or has been the most challenging aspect to the initial stage of your wedding planning?