Wedding Planning Goals

We just celebrated New Year's Eve and it's already January 4th.  WOW. Anyone who has their driver's license would agree... time flies!

This weekend, my husband and I took the timely opportunity to reflect on 2009 and write down goals for 2010: financial, home, personal, marital... we started broad and drilled down to as specific as we could i.e. from "lose the 10 holiday pounds by 1/31/10" to "Yellowstone in June" to "marriage seminar in February"

coupleWhat are your wedding goals for 2010?

Whether you're newly engaged or have been planning for a while... this is such an awesome, empowering exercise to do together. You can have the wedding of your dreams!

What do you want for your wedding day? What's in your heart to have, to hold, to cherish?

1. Identify what is important to you both.

2. Set goals.

3. Get specific. Write detailed and measurable action steps to make that goal {dream} come true.

4. Focus. Manage your time wisely but with flexibility. {I work best with a daily "to-do" list to measure my progress.}

What are your wedding goals... a fairytale wedding...a rock star reception... beauty within budget... a tight family affair... destination wedding... look amazing in your gown... that venue... photography that makes you swoon...

Talking about goals gets me so excited!  Realizing a dream come true from focused attention is life-changing!

Work towards your dreams! No worries about the occasional slip, missed work out, or procrastinated phone call... The only thing you don't want to do.. is lose motivation! And, being a stickler to a "schedule" and a "list" can rob you of  joy and motivation... so stay flexible.

Please share one or a few of your wedding goals!!

Cheers to the best in 2010

xo Heidi