Which Unity Ceremony is Right for You?

Miracles happen every day. Just consider the two people who find each other out of almost 7 billion…and often times over the most incredible circumstances. It never ceases to amaze me!  I love weddings because each one is so different, especially of what the bride and groom give away of themselves~ their essence!
Unity ceremonies,  typically followed by the rings exchange, symbolize the union of the two people getting married (and many times includes family and/or guests.)  Unity Candles, Sand, Water and Rose (flower) Ceremonies are just a few among many.
The unity Sand-Ceremony I witnessed was at an outdoor wedding. The bride, groom and pastor each held a tube of colored sand.  The pastor poured first (representing the foundation) into the single vase and then the bride and groom poured their colored sands. The end design was beautiful and serves as a unity reminder keepsake today.

A friend described the unity Foot-Washing Ceremony she recently witnessed as “gorgeous” and “very meaningful.”  The chair and bowl were pre-set.  As special music played, the couple removed their shoes and each took turns washing each other’s feet~ which represented serving one another.  (Beautiful, huh?)
The exchange of Flowers or Roses between the bride and groom and/or their families would make for a lovely ceremony and expression of unity~ certainly in a non-religious wedding.
If I were to get married all over again, I would opt for more than one type ceremony and include the meaning of the ceremony in the program for the benefit of the guests.   Wouldn't you agree that a Unity Ceremony serves as one wonderful way to experience the "essence" of the bride and groom?
Questions to Consider:
What do you envision as a Unity ceremony in your wedding?
Do you want to include your family i.e. parents, siblings, children?
Do you want to incorporate special music?
Are your ceremonial ideas appropriate for the venue? i.e. Will candles be approved? Are you marrying outdoors where incorporating salt, sand, water, candles might be an issue because of wind, etc?
What Unity Ceremony are you considering? What non-traditional ceremonies have you witnessed?