MagnetStreet Sponsoring an Olympian


Raise your hand if you can't wait to see the Flying Tomatoes' new moves... you'll cry when the national anthem plays for the Gold medal winner... you think Apolo Ohno is adorable... AND you're willing to admit that you watch curling into the wee hours of the morning... {pick me}

Opening Ceremonies for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics starts tonight. And then it's two weeks of raw fight and athleticism.

Especially exciting on the home front... MagnetStreet is a proud sponsor of Nancy Swider-Peltz Jr.

Nancy is a speed skater {shown below} from Wheaton, IL and is competing in her first Olympic Games. She's coached by her Mom who is a four-time Olympian and former world-record holder in the 3000 meters.

Nancy is blogging from the Olympic village. She'll be competing in the 3000 meters on Sunday {Go Nancy!} and in the team pursuit near the end of the Olympics. You can read all about Nancy's journey to Vancouver here!

Feb 20102

one cool photo... is this fate~ here baby Nancy is being held by President Reagan. Dan Jansen in the back. Bonnie Blair is front & center and Nancy Sr. {Mom}  is on the right. {WOW~ what an amazing keepsake!}

President Reagan and Nancy

Join me in reading Nancy's blog! She's got a great story and a true champion's heart... let's give her some love and encouragement!

Happy Valentines Day!

{back to our regular programming}

Don't forget to enter our AMAZING GIVEAWAY!

blog-giveway-post{Save the Dates, Invites, Reception items, Favors, Thank Yous, Labels & Seals}

best of luck!

xo Heidi

{top images via Nancy's blog and bottom image via Charley Mefferd's family album}