Q&A with Gina … Customer Care

Hello & Happy Friday! Welcome to Meet the Team.

Because we're an online company, we don't usually get face time with our customers. And we're very friendly people so we're thinking it would be fun to introduce you all to someone from the team every once in a while--whether they're an owner, a designer, someone from IT, Marketing, Distribution Services, the Plant, Pre-press, or Customer Care. There are many cogs on our wheel and when I say team, I really do mean team.

That said, let me introduce you to Gina ... one of our Customer Care Extraordinaires.  I asked the Care Team to describe Gina in one word and this is what I got- "playful" "fun" "energetic" "admirable" "thoughtful" "passionate"

Gina, meet the internets. Internets, meet Gina.

How long have you been in Customer Care at MagnetStreet? In April of 2012 it will be 10 years!

What's a typical day in customer care like? Phones ringing. Instant chat ringing. Lots of chatter in the office ... Answering lots of questions from brides, mothers of brides & grooms. Helping customers navigate our website & assisting them in the design process. Following up on: emails, phone messages, and placing sample requests. And, collaborating with our other departments {creative services/marketing/IT}. Never a dull moment around here.

Can you describe your personality in 3 adjectives: Fun! Energized! Generous!

Favorite music style? Contemporary Christian: Jeremy Camp, Kutless, Sara Groves, Bethany Dillon & Francesa Battistelli. I’m always up for some music from the 70’s & 80’s.  Love Karen Carpenter too.

Right now--what's your favorite Save the Date design? I love Something Blue Save the Date: Favorite Wedding Invitation? I am partial to Antique Filigree Wedding Invite.  I chose this design in honor of my parents 50th wedding anniversary & had it designed by the gals here (thank you).  I secretly sent it out to over a 100 of mom & dad’s friends & family & asked that they in turn send me a letter telling me a funny or memorable story of my folks. I ended up receiving over 70 letters back & put together a beautiful memory book for my parents & was able to present it to them on their anniversary with all our family around.  They loved it!

Most gratifying statement from a bride: "I just love that I called in today…you helped me out soo much; planning a wedding is nerve-wracking & you made this a very easy process."

Favorite wedding movie-of all time? Seriously, I thought Bride Wars was funny--our entire department went out to dinner & this movie.

Top three personal interests?  Randy (my husband), Grace (my daughter) and as much golf as I can get!

Customer Care can be very rewarding—what's your favorite part? In all honesty, my favorite part is knowing I’ve helped someone.  I invest my energy every day in making sure the customers I speak to, “chat” with {via instant chat} or email are being fed the information they’re asking for.  I’m happy knowing I’ve helped. We strive to be the best & I am confident we’re accomplishing our goal!

How does the  customer care team unwind at MagnetStreet? We eat lots of chocolate & buffalo flavored pretzels!  We get out of our cubes….kinda move in the center towards each other & chat…most of the time it’s something very funny, there’s lots of laughter & then back on the phones we go!

How do you unwind? My wind down time is in the evenings from 9:30 – 11:00 (reading/watch tv . . . catch up on emails/fb)  & early Sat & Sun mornings.  I like to get my week’s schedule organized, work on bills, Gracies’ school projects, sporting events & just have “ME” time!  Grace & I will bake for daddy.

How about a few highlights from your own wedding: The photo shoot – it was a gorgeous sunny July day, being dressed up in our gowns & tuxes with my family & friends around ... encased in it all.

What inspires you at work?  It’s easy to get up every day to come into a job that you enjoy.  I’m able to use my skills & personality to do my job & work with customers & coworkers.  I guess it’s fair to say that I’m inspired at work because I know how to do my job well & I enjoy it.

What do you like best about working at Magnetstreet?  I love the people I work with … being with them all day long makes it so much more enjoyable because THEY are enjoyable.

Thanks Gina. Thanks for keeping us laughing every day! You are so fabulous & fun and it's a pleasure to work with you & see your smiling face every day!

Have you talked with Gina before? Leave a comment for her and let her know!

{And just in case you missed our first interview--a fun Q&A with Kathryn, our summer intern}