13 Examples of Bilingual Spanish Wedding Invitation Wording

Bilingual Wedding Invitation English and Spanish

Your wedding is a chance to celebrate your love with your family and friends. When one or both of you have loved ones who speak Spanish, bilingual Wedding Invitations are a thoughtful touch. After you choose a design and nail down key wedding details, take time to create Spanish invitation wording that reflects the English text. An accurate translation ensures that your guests have all the information they need to celebrate with you on the big day.

Benefits of creating bilingual Spanish Wedding Invitations

Creating bilingual Wedding Invitations takes extra time, which can feel daunting in the midst of wedding planning. If you're willing to put in the effort, however, the resulting invitations can have big benefits for multicultural couples and their guests.

Honor shared or merging heritage

Bilingual Wedding Invitations provide an opportunity to honor your family's heritage. Whether you and your partner share the same background or you're merging different cultures, including Spanish and English is a wonderful nod to both sides. It also celebrates the new connection between your families and sets the tone for your wedding and your marriage.

Accommodate for Spanish-speaking guests

When you have guests who only speak Spanish — or who speak English as a second language — bilingual Wedding Invitation wording can help everyone feel included at your multicultural wedding. This is particularly important when you're inviting people who live abroad; when their native language is printed on the invitation, they automatically feel more comfortable. This small gesture lets them know they can expect a welcoming atmosphere when they travel to the wedding ceremony. If your family members are novice travelers, or if they're nervous about visiting an English-speaking country, bilingual invitations can provide much-needed reassurance for international weddings.

Save money and time sending different invitations

If you have a set wedding budget, a single invitation helps you save money. When you include both English and Spanish translations on the same bilingual wedding invitation design, you can order everything at once. Since bigger orders usually have lower per-invitation costs, your overall price will be lower than if you ordered separate English and Spanish versions.

A single invitation also reduces the risk of confusion or mistakes. With two custom wedding invites, you need to proofread two documents; it's easier to miss a typo. One invitation streamlines the process, so you have more time to focus on other wedding-planning tasks.

13 Wedding Invitation wording examples for Spanish weddings


Spanish and English Wedding Invitation

3 examples for introducing the hosts

The host line is the first thing to include amongst your wedding details, regardless if you are sending informal wedding invitations or are having a formal wedding. This section includes the name of the happy couple and whoever helps pay for the event.

1. When the couple is hosting the wedding

Are you hosting your own wedding? You can announce it in English with a sentence that reads:
Miss X and Mr. Y kindly request your presence at their wedding. You're welcome to come and enjoy the special day with them.

The Spanish Wedding Invitation wording could be:
La Srta. X y el Sr. Y esperan su presencia en la celebración de su boda. Están cordialmente invitados para celebrar ese día tan especial con ellos.

2. When the parents are hosting the wedding

If your parents or your partner's parents are hosting the wedding, it's traditional for their names to appear on the Wedding Invitation. In English, this wording typically reads:
Mr. and Mrs. X request your presence at the marriage of their son/daughter on [date] at [time].

The Spanish translation might be:
El Sr. y la Sra. X esperan su presencia en la celebración de la boda de su hijo / hija el [date] en [time].

3. When the couple and the parents all host the wedding

In some cases, you and your parents might be hosting the wedding jointly. In this situation, it's common to use a variation on the following wording:
Together with their families, X and Y request the honor of your presence at their marriage.

When you're adding the Spanish translation, you can use:
Junto con sus familias, X y Y solicita el honor de tu presencia en su matrimonio.

3 Examples for requesting attendance

After acknowledging the hosts of the bilingual wedding, you must request the attendance of your guests. This line is where you write the formal invitation for your guests to join you on your big day.

1. “We invite you to celebrate our wedding”

This phrase is one way to highlight the celebratory nature of your wedding. In Spanish, you can say, “Te invitamos a celebrar nuestra boda."

2. “Your presence is very important to us”

Use this wording to let guests know you're looking forward to sharing the marriage ceremony with them. The Spanish translation is, “Tu presencia es muy importante para nosotros.”

3. “Please join us to celebrate the marriage of”

When your wedding is hosted by your parents or someone else, this phrase is an elegant way to communicate the arrangement. As you write in Spanish, say, “Por favor únete a nosotros para celebrar el matrimonio de.”

5 examples for sharing ceremony and reception plans

Other than key wedding details such as the date, time and location of the ceremony, the couple must include the ceremony and reception plans within their wedding stationery. This helps guests know how exactly to prepare for the big celebration.

1. “Here is what you need to know”

This phrase typically introduces the key details of the wedding. The Spanish translation is, “Aquí está lo que necesitas saber.”

2. “The ceremony will go like this”

Want to let guests know what to expect during the wedding? Use this wording, and include the Spanish version: “La ceremonia será como sigue.

3. “Formal reception to follow”

This common wording indicates that guests should plan to attend the reception, as well as the ceremony. For the Spanish section, say, “Recepción formal a seguir.”

4. “Adult reception to follow after the ceremony”

If kids are welcome at your marriage ceremony but not the reception, this wording is a graceful way to inform guests of your preferences. In Spanish, you can write, “Recepción de adultos después de la ceremonia.”

5. “The party continues at the reception!”

Let guests know to bring their dancing shoes with this fun phrase. Communicate the same thing in Spanish with a sentence that reads, “¡La fiesta continúa en la recepción!”

2 Examples of Spanish Wedding Invitation wording that honor religion

1. “Let us celebrate with the presence of God among us”

Are you planning a religious wedding ceremony? Whether you're creating Catholic Wedding Invitations or focusing on another religion, this sentence highlights the importance of the church on your big day. In Spanish, you can say, “Celebremos con la presencia de dios entre nosotros.”

2. “We will consecrate our love before the Lord”

This is another way to bring religion into your Wedding Invitations. The Spanish translation reads, “Consagraremos nuestro amor ante el señor.”

3 things to consider when sending bilingual Wedding Invitations

Compared to single-language invitations, it's a little more complicated to send invitations in Spanish and English. While you're writing the wording for bilingual invitations, there are a few extra factors to consider.

1. Prepare extra time if you're sending the invitation out of the country

Do you have wedding guests who live abroad? As you plan your wedding stationery timeline, make sure to account for the extended international shipping times. Every country has different mailing timelines, so it's important to research delivery options in advance. This ensures your out-of-country guests have time to evaluate their schedules and make travel plans.

2. Have someone who is fluent in both languages do the proofreading

Google Translate can help you get started on Spanish Wedding Invitation wording, but it shouldn't be the only tool you use. Write the invitation text in your first language first; then, run it through a translation tool. Don't stop there — find someone who is fluent in both Spanish and English to read and edit the translation. If possible, choose a person who speaks the same dialect as the majority of your international guests. They'll be able to make changes and use words that make the second version flow naturally.

A translation can also be an opportunity to get a family member involved in your wedding plans. They'll be delighted to help you, and you can rest assured that your invitations will be flawless.

What happens if you don't know anyone who speaks both languages? One solution is to hire a translator. Since Wedding Invitations are usually limited to one page, it's an affordable way to get the translation right on the first try.

3. Carefully consider how much space you're using on the invitation

Using two languages on one Wedding Invitation can take up a lot of room. As you're exploring different designs and dual-language wedding invitation templates, space should be your top priority. Look for layouts that have plenty of space for text — that way, you can include both languages without sacrificing style.

When adding text, you'll probably find that some fonts are more space-efficient than others. Experiment with a few options to find one that complements your design and accommodates the text. Remember that guests of all ages will need to see the words clearly, and select an option that's easy to read, even at small sizes. You can also pare down the details to the essentials to ensure the invitation is both beautiful and functional.

Customize Truly Engaging’s designs to create bilingual wedding invites

All the Wedding Invitation templates you find on Truly Engaging are customizable, so you can add Spanish wording to any design that catches your eye. Explore thousands of designs in a wide variety of themes, styles, and color schemes. Whether you're searching for elegant invitations, Modern Wedding Invitations to complement a contemporary ceremony, or Winter Wedding Invitations that are perfect for a frosty celebration, it's a breeze to go bilingual.