5 Tips for Dealing with Wedding Conflict

Conflict happens. It just does. And wedding planning seems to offer perfect moments for conflict to rear its nasty little head. Every family has their differences of opinions, customs, beliefs and unique family dynamics. Where there are people, there is conflict. However, a lot of good can come from it ... improved communication, cleared-up misunderstandings and deeper relationships to name a few.

Here are 5 practical tips that I have learned {oftentimes the hard way} to be helpful in resolving minor conflict in and out of my marriage. It's a lot easier said than done. You know it. I know it. But, in the end our relationships are worth giving our all to.

1. Keep your cool. Once you say something, you can't take it back. Pause and think before you react.

2. Seek to understand. Try and figure out where the other person is coming from. Sometimes, they just need to know they've been heard correctly.

3. Commit to working it out. Don't blow it off. Although you may need some time to reflect, make a commitment to digging in and resolving the issue. So true of our close relationships.

4. Take responsibility for your own feelings. Nobody can make you "feel" a certain way unless you allow it. Using statements like "I feel" rather than "You made me feel" will help keep someone from going into defensive mode.

5. A kind word goes a very long way. There is a proverb: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." This one can take some practice, but I have found it to be extremely helpful in reducing conflict!

Thoughts? Easier said than done? Do share your insights into what helps you deal with minor conflicts- especially during wedding planning.

photo via Braedon Photography via Snippet & Ink