Asking for Cash Wedding Gifts: The Dos and Don'ts

Money as Wedding Gift with bow and flowers

Wedding gifts are a traditional way for friends and family to show their love and support for the newlyweds. However, in recent years, the idea of asking for cash gifts instead of traditional wedding presents has become more popular. While it's understandable to want cash instead of physical items, asking for it can be a sensitive topic. This article will provide you with some tips and guidelines on how to ask for cash wedding gifts politely and without offending anyone.

Why Ask for Cash Gifts

There are many reasons why couples might prefer cash wedding gifts over traditional presents. One reason is that cash can be used to help pay for the wedding itself or for the honeymoon. Additionally, couples may already have household items or may prefer to purchase these items on their own rather than receive duplicates or items they don't need. Asking for cash gifts can also be a good option for guests who may be traveling from out of town and don't want to carry a physical gift with them.


  1. Do include a polite request for cash gifts in your wedding invitations. This can be done tactfully by using phrases such as Your presence is the greatest gift we could ask for, but if you wish to give something, we kindly ask for a monetary gift to help us start our new life together.
  2. Do set up a wedding website where guests can make cash contributions securely and easily. Websites such as Zola, Honeyfund, and The Knot all offer cash gift options and can make the process simple for both the couple and their guests.
  3. Do make sure to acknowledge and thank guests for their gifts, regardless of whether they gave a physical present or cash. Sending a thank you card within a few weeks after the wedding is a nice gesture and shows your appreciation for their support.
  4. Do explain to guests what the cash gifts will be used for. This can be done on your wedding website or in your invitation. Letting guests know how the money will be spent can make them feel more invested in your future and happy to contribute.


  1. Don't be too direct or demand cash gifts. It's important to remember that wedding gifts are optional and guests should not feel obligated to give anything at all. Requesting cash gifts should be done politely and tactfully, without coming across as demanding or entitled.
  2. Don't forget to offer traditional gift options. While you may prefer cash gifts, some guests may still prefer to give a physical gift. Including a small registry will make your guests that want to go a more traditional route feel appreciated. 
  3. Don't ask for a specific amount of money. Guests should feel comfortable giving what they can afford, and it's not polite to ask for a specific amount. Simply stating that you would prefer monetary gifts is enough.
  4. Don't make guests feel uncomfortable or judged for giving a physical gift. While you may prefer cash gifts, it's important to remember that some guests may still want to give a traditional gift. Thank them graciously and let them know how much you appreciate their thoughtfulness.

10 Ways to Ask for Cash on Your Wedding Website

  1. Your presence is the greatest gift we could ask for, but if you wish to give something, we kindly ask for a monetary gift to help us start our new life together.
  2. As we start our lives together, we kindly request your contributions in the form of cash gifts.
  3. In lieu of traditional gifts, we would be grateful for any cash contributions towards our honeymoon.
  4. We are humbly requesting monetary gifts to help us start our married life together.
  5. If you are considering giving us a gift, we would appreciate a contribution towards our future together.
  6. We kindly ask that you consider making a cash contribution in lieu of traditional wedding gifts.
  7. As we embark on this journey together, we ask for your support through monetary gifts.
  8. Your contribution towards our future together is greatly appreciated in the form of cash gifts.
  9. As we celebrate our love and commitment, we invite you to contribute to our future with a cash gift.
  10. Should you wish to give us a gift, we kindly ask for cash contributions to start our new life together.
Cash gift for Wedding Present

Asking for cash as a wedding gift can be a sensitive topic, but with the right approach, it can be done politely and respectfully. It's important to communicate your wishes clearly and consider offering alternatives for those who prefer not to give cash. Remember to always express your gratitude for any gifts received, whether they are physical gifts or cash contributions. By following these dos and don'ts and using the suggested phrases, you can politely request cash gifts and start your married life together on the right foot.