Color Monday: Beach Wedding Colors

Welcome to Color Monday--the day we change the look and feel of a few Save the Date and/or Wedding Invitation designs--simply by changing their colors! Grab your sunscreen ... cause today, we're heading to the beach!

You can always count on nature for beautiful color inspiration and the beach is a great place to start. That said, today starts a 3-part series for Color Mondays: beach weddings and the colors that might be associated with them.

We're inspired by the ocean. Who can resist the beautiful blues, greens, and aquas? There's a serenity that comes from the sound of the surf hitting the sand--evoked with those colors. It's a place of peace yet it's full of life, excitement and energy.

beach wedding colors

At MagnetStreet Weddings, we certainly have Beach Wedding Invitations if you're having a specific beach-themed wedding. But, what if you're not having a beach-themed wedding but you still want the peaceful, easy feeling of it?

No problem.



You can easily bring the beauty of the beach into your wedding without having a specific beach theme--simply by personalizing your invitations with the colors of the ocean.

Here are two original designs--personalized with the splendors from the beach. So fun! The look and feel is completely changed.




Moral of the post: look past the colors on any design. Because, they can be changed to suit your suite, theme or look in mind. We love the beach and we'll see you next time for Part 2 of beach inspired Color Monday. 

What are your favorite beach wedding colors?