When I first considered what to write on, many topics came to mind and I had difficulty narrowing it down. However, this being the first post, the natural place to start anything is at the beginning. Let me state right up front that I am a hopeless idealist. My mother used to affectionately call me “Pollyanna” growing up and I can now see why. I simply don my rose-colored glasses and choose to see the romantic version of most situations. So, that being said…
I absolutely love beginnings! I love them for what they represent~ anticipation, possibility, energy… The proverbial slate is essentially clean and there is nothing in front of you but potential. Just for the record, the beginnings I refer to are for the more “romantic” areas of our lives like the seasons of life, a new day, a new opportunity… and more specifically, the beginning of a new life together.
Few sensibilities can compare to the intensity of falling in love, being in love and committing to that love. Am I right? It doesn’t take a whole lot of intuitive capability to recognize a couple deep in the throes of devotion and attachment to one another. Romance and euphoria wrapped up in a beautiful package that only a couple in love can open. I congratulate those of you who have found your one and only… the miracle of two lives merging in matrimonial accord. There is nothing greater in this world than love and we wish you many, many wonderful beginnings that this new-found life has in store for you!
Choose the vendors that you are most comfortable with
As you dream and plan for your wedding, we encourage you to choose the vendors that you are most comfortable with. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for save the dates, favors, wedding invitations or tablecloths for the reception. Don’t be rushed into your purchases, ask for samples and take your time to comparison shop. Enjoy this very special time in your life. Remember, it’s the beginning of something beautiful!
My very best,
Pollyanna (but you can call me Heidi)