Bride & Groom Gift Exchange

The bride and groom gift exchange is a totally optional tradition.  That makes sense.  The gift of yourself to the other is the best gift of all anyway...

But, if you're planning a gift exchange for the wedding day and wondering what to gift... here are a few suggestions.

Firstly~ no last minute gifting... way too stressful.

Next, think about a gift that is sentimental and will memorialize your wedding day.  My husband and I did not exchange gifts but I kind of wish we had.  If we could have a re-do, I would suggest we write love letters to each other~ on gorgeous paper and even seal them with wax, as in the 18th century.  We could re-read them every year on our anniversary.

But if you're not as sappy as me and love letters aren't your thing, consider a beautiful piece of jewelry, an heirloom, or even something adventurous on your honeymoon that the two of you will never ever forget.  Thrills definitely leave  great memories i.e. bungee jumping, skydiving, and white water rafting are just a few ideas.  But, your thrill doesn't necessary have to threaten your life... Your thrill could involve simply embarking on an experience that neither of you have experienced before.  Something unique to the two of you!

What do you think?  Any ideas?