The royal wedding of Prince William of Wales with Miss Catherine Middleton takes place in just a few days. Like it or not, we're affected by this fete ~ certainly true of the...

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Just like creating a wedding that's reflective of your personal style, so it is the same in creating a personal romantic space for after the wedding. A retreat that beckons...

The FIRST DANCE. Just the two of you, in front of ALL your guests. Is it something to stress about? Do you take lessons... wow everyone with your Fred and Ginger -esque moves...

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From Here to Eternity... LOVE this fun engagement session with Jamie and Tommy. Such an adorable couple and apparently they're movie buffs too... inspiration for the first...

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It's your first dance as a married couple, a milestone to be sure, and you most want the song you choose to say who you are together ~ whether by way of being your song, a...

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Another MagnetStreet employee says YES! Woot! Woot! A great big blog hug and congratulations goes out to Nalie and Nate! Nalie is our Web Usability Specialist here at...

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Love is in the air folks... and wedding bells will soon be ringing for two of the sweetest and talented people here at MagnetStreet. Johnathon {software developer} proposed to...

Poetry... the language of the heart whereby the poet uses words to express the love, hope, faith, longing, desperation, hurt... and all that which defines our human condition...

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I LOVE THIS IDEA... a virtual headboard made from wallpaper! We had to wait a while before we could afford the bedroom set we really wanted so the idea of a virtual headboard...

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It's hard for most of us to imagine what military couples go through to get married and stay married~ being apart, raising children, moving, finances... Based on a few family...