Color Monday: Lighten Up

Welcome to Color Monday!

Today we're going to lighten up our color palettes! We're celebrating the ability to completely transform wedding invitations with color by flipping them all around. We're going to take dark and serious designs and only switch the color to make them light and airy...



Here is Wall of Love, a beautiful wedding invitation with a cute little monogram and awesome swirls. (You should check out the folded invites! so pretty!) But instead of black we're going to use Dusty Rose. Instantaneously the whole feeling of the design changes. The swirls become lacy and delicate. Instead of a serious and formal black and white wedding I have visions of pretty pink flowers perhaps even at a garden wedding.



Next we'll play with Stemming Flowers, a great wedding invitation with a strong fall color combination. Just tweaking the colors to be more muted with lavender and gray this design would work wonderfully for a relaxed, springtime wedding. I can almost smell the lilacs and lavender.


And of course we’ve saved the best for last. We’ve taken the design, Abstract Flowers, and transformed the wedding invitation with brand-new colors. Flipping the black to white and swapping "coral" for the deep purple we have completely changed the look of this invitation. Using one of your favorite colors really makes a difference.

You can use ANY color you love and you can use it on ANY of our wedding invitations. Feel free to try your colors inside Design Studio, our online personalization tool. It is easy to see exactly what your invitation would look like in the color of your dreams! No need to order up front, just go play with color.

What favorite color would you love to use?

For those of you who really pay attention, we’ve done this before and just might do it again. Any suggestions on color or designs to try out?