Erin & Austin’s 10-Year Anniversary Sesh

We LOVE {to infinity} Erin and Austin's 10 year anniversary session! Captured in their photos and in their words, it is obvious that they are still truly, madly, deeply in love with each other. Erin and Austin are also a military couple--with additional stresses that most of us can only imagine. That said, their humility is commendable and their love and respect for each other is a terrific testimony for a lasting marriage. Let's all take note! Much thanks to Erin and Austin for sharing their story and to Amanda Hedgepeth Photography for sharing their story in pictures. Enjoy!

Meet Erin and Austin:


10 years and clearly, you’re still going strong! Care to share your secret?

{Erin} These past 10 years have not always been easy. We have been separated more than we have been together (Austin is in the Navy). When we got married, we promised to love each other through thick and thin, for better or for worse. Divorce has NEVER been an option, giving up has NEVER been an option either. We have always worked through every bad situation life has thrown at us--from being broke to being separated on and off for 4 years. We have never given up on us!

10 year anniversary session

Virginia Beach photos


So fun and clever, where did your idea for having an anniversary session come from?

{Erin} We did not have a professional photographer at our wedding 10 years ago. We have one "nice" photo of the two of us on our wedding day. We really wanted to do something special for us to celebrate, so we thought an anniversary session would be the best way to celebrate our 10 years!

Virginia Beach anniversary session

Can you tell us a little about why you chose Virginia Beach as the location?

{Erin} We chose VA Beach as the location because that is where we met. I asked Amanda if she would take a photo of us on the exact corner that we met each other on ... 21st and Pacific is where it all started!

Erin and Austin's 10 year anniversary session

VA Beach photograpy

Austin, what is it that you still love most about Erin—after 10 years?

Well if I had to boil it down to one thing it would be her sense of humor and her ability to deal with mine. She is still able to laugh at my stupidity after this long and I appreciate that more than anything.

Erin, what is it that you still love most about Austin—after 10 years?

There are so many things that I love about Austin. He makes me happy. He can always make me laugh. He supports me on everything, he believes in me ... he has never given up on me or lost faith in us. AND...he is an AMAZING daddy!!! There is nothing sexier than watching your hubby become an amazing father!! :) :) :) Hubba hubba!!

Virginia Beach photographer

What is your favorite thing to do together?

{Erin} Our favorite thing to do together is to snuggle on the couch and watch movies--even though I always fall asleep because I don't like the movies Austin chooses!! haha

How has life changed for you—since you got married?

{Erin} KIDS!!! We have 3 amazing kids!! We were not even married for a year when we got pregnant with our first and only son. Kids have been the biggest but most exciting change so far.


Erin and Austin, dressed in their wedding attire ...
Please share your favorite memory from your wedding day?

{Austin} My beautiful wife walking up the step in her dress.

{Erin} Austin pretended that he lost my ring. He didn't lose it--he just gave it to one of his groomsmen who was standing beside him. He is ALWAYS joking around! Even during our ceremony!

Virginia Beach photography

Virginia Beach wedding photography- 10 year anniversary

Is there anything you would “do over” if you were to get married today?

{Austin} Nope. There is nothing that we would change. I could not imagine our wedding any other way.

Virginia Beach wedding photography- 10 year anniversary

Virginia Beach wedding photography

Looking back, what “words of wisdom” do you have for today’s brides and grooms?

{Erin} Plan YOUR MARRIAGE. Don't try to plan the next best pinterest wedding. When we got married, social media was pretty much non-existent, so we didn't have anything to compare our wedding to. I think that there is a lot of pressure on couples to plan this amazing, over the top event ... like if your images don't go viral, then you've failed at planning your wedding. It is sad to me... marriage is not just about the wedding, it is about your new life together. So my advice would be--not to get so caught up in the small details of one day, and to put more effort into planning your future together.

{Austin} This is a challenge and you can always work at it. It's easy to get into a routine and be the same all the time. That is one thing we always want and try to work on. So always adapt to each other as you grow older.

Virginia Beach wedding photography- 10 year anniversary

By the way Erin, you STILL look fabulous in your wedding dress!! How do you do it?

OMG Thank you! I don't really do anything special--I am kinda boring on that issue. My kids keep me on my toes 24 hours a day!!

*So fun* Thanks so much Erin and Austin--and Happy 10th Anniversary! And thanks again for sharing your testimony on how wonderful life can be--beyond the wedding day! Oh, and Austin--thank you for your service!!

Want more? Visit Amanda Hedgepeth's photography blog to see all of this sweet session!