Excellent Customer Service

I was curious. I asked our customer care staff on the sales and marketing side, just what it is that motivates them in their customer service role.  I also asked them if they thought people deserved excellent service and why.  With slight variation, the staff here feels that: 1. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. 2. If a customer chooses our store, it is our honor and responsibility to represent the store with professionalism and courtesy.  3. The staff feels proud of the product that MSW provides which in turn, makes it easy to give good service.
We’re an online company so we don’t usually face our customers but we do talk with them Monday-Friday via phone, email, voicemail and live chat. If the body is the sum of its parts, then our customer care team is a major organ.
All metaphors aside, I used to chat with brides all day long about requesting samples, placing orders and discussing changes to existing designs. Many of us are married, recently married or are going to be married. We get the questions, we expect the questions, we welcome the questions.
Brides are a lot of fun and when they're happy, so are we (lol).  High energy, upbeat people are always fun to talk with.  This is typically how a bride comes to us- energetic, thrilled to be engaged and loving our designs. Most of the time, they are even happier at the end of this two week relationship~ still engaged, pleased with the service and loving their wedding product. We receive lots of feedback.
Of course, we only desire peaks but the occasional valley is where we learn how to be a better company with improved products and enhanced services.
Having worked in customer service, I understand the importance of feedback~ both positive and negative...

We are pickle lovers at my house~ especially big, juicy, crunchy dill spears.  Well, recently we were less than satisfied when we opened a jar filled with mushy ones (plus we had a couple of other issues...)  So, trying to be responsible consumers, we emailed the company who responded QUICKLY and to EVERY concern we had. They apologized for the cushy cukes and sent us a coupon for another jar.  I was very impressed with this company~ their timely response AND the fact that they took all of our concerns seriously, addressing them clearly and concisely.  I will continue to buy their pickles...
Excellent customer service should never go out of style. No matter how popular the company, the restaurant, the name~ you deserve to be treated fairly and respectfully.
Are you getting excellent customer service?
  1. Are you comfortable with your vendors?
  2. Do you feel you can voice your opinions and ideas?
  3. Read their testimonials. Is there a pattern to their services that fits your needs?
  4. How available are they to contact or talk to? Is it convenient for you or for them?
  5. Are your vendors responsive when you contact them?
  6. Do they offer free samples?
  7. Are your needs and concerns being addressed?
  8. How do they handle mistakes?
As competitive as the marketplace is, we vendors should be honored when someone chooses to use our services. It’s that simple.
Please keep your comments and testimonials coming in, (email
brides@magnetstreet.com) we want to hear from you.
What do you expect when you go into a store~ be it online or in person? What is the most important aspect to receiving customer service? Looking forward to hearing from you!!!