How to Choose Your Colors

So~ what are your wedding colors? Isn't that one of the first questions you're asked after people find out your engaged?

As if the answer was that easy... well, maybe it's an easy answer for some but for many of us~ we need helps!

Enter basic color theory and the indispensable color wheel!

The right color flow~ incredibly important for tying your wedding look together. The unifying, mood altering, harmonizing and interest building effect that color imposes is undeniable {any time you want to chime in designer friends}! I'm fascinated with the color wheel... and love to stare at it! All the combinations~ stemming from the primary colors of blue, red and yellow. Incredible.

Our Graphic Designer Lisa, created this very helpful, basic color theory chart with scheme definitions.  {This is just a snippet, you can download the entire color pdf here.


{click images to enlarge}

I believe that having a good grasp on basic color theory will give you confidence in choosing the right colors to set just the exact the mood you want for your wedding {or living room for that matter}.


So...where do you start?

Perhaps with your favorite color. Then, take it to the wheel! Are you feeling a soothing monochromatic look or maybe one that commands attention, like with a complementary scheme, etc.

What are your wedding colors? How did you choose them?

Learn more about color basics, shades, tints as well as a few fun color palettes for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Download the color pdf