I’m a Li’l Bit Country: A Themed Wedding

What could be more simple, clean, or pure than a country wedding, complete with eyelet lace, sundresses . . . and sunflowers in your hair?  Sweet!  Imagine casual shirts and ties, skip the tux and go with a light colored summer suit.  Or to keep it really casual, don nice khakis or even dress jeans.  Yes!

The setting?  How about renting a barn or farmhouse, and decking it out with picnic tables dressed in red and white table cloths and floating candles?  Spread or hang borrowed quilts, string up lanterns from tree limbs for a really warm ambiance . . . are you catching the vision yet?

Flowers could be super easy ~ yellow sunflowers and/or daisies in large pitchers.  Line the "isle" you'll walk down to meet your groom with brightly colored dahlias in pots set inside large baskets.  Nothing fussy, just beautifully natural bunches of fragrant color that give the appearance of just being picked that morning.

How fun would it be to hire a local square dance, swing or bluegrass band!  You and your guests will be dosey-doeing and swinging your partner 'round and 'round all night long.  Old and young alike will experience the celebration and joy of this day!

For your favors, how about home baked cookies (or purchase them at a quality bakery) wrapped in clear colored celephane . . . and your centerpieces could be small groupings of fresh local produce, like beautiful tomatoes, a bunch of plump grapes or a pint of sweet raspberries.  So fresh and healthy!

Keeping your guests as comfortable as possible in an outdoor setting should be another top priority.  If you live in a warm to hot climate, provide small paper fans so that your guests stay cool and are not distracted by the heat.  Burn citronella candles on the outskirts of the area large enough to control the mosquitoes, too.  Provide plenty of comfortable casual seating with hay bales.  Take full advantage of the setting and let it sing out your personal style!  Today, it is actually all about you!

And, don't forget to add your own personal touch.  Jessica and Rob got married in Jess's back yard, and when it came time to say their vows, Rob who is always a jokster (and a charming one at that), pulled out his accordian folded list of vows.  This wedding was chock full of personality and fun.

Check out these totally country layered invitations from MagnetStreet Weddings ~ so very simple and clean.

This and so many more invitation styles and designs are available to choose from, all perfectly fitting your country-themed day and reflecting your own style and personality! Give your guests just a small glimpse into the celebration they will be a part of with these one-of-a-kind yet classically styled invites.

A country-themed wedding is all about keeping it simple so that the natural charm with all its relaxed details and down-home decor shines through . . . and, so that everyone can relax and truly enjoy the day, including you!

Love, Cheryl

Photo Courtesy BacklitCreative.com

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