Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

It’s the Friday before Christmas and all through the houses, people all over and everywhere are scurrying like mouses.

(I know, I know…)
In all sincerity, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! May your hearts and homes be filled with
peace, love and joy!
This morning I found a photo of myself when I was two. It was at Christmas time. Tacked on the wall behind me, were tons of Christmas cards sent by family and friends. I just love this wonderful time of year. People continue to hand-write their season’s greetings and send them through the USPS~ not email or otherwise. It’s intimate and special and a wonderful tradition that thankfully, does not go out of style.
(here are some of my Christmas cards...)

I love receiving all the photos from family and friends and seeing their families change and grow.  I even love the Christmas letters (some more than others). Some have gotten more creative over the years, writing letters from the dog’s perspective~ or the toddler’s, etc.  I love the twinkling lights inside my house, driving around the neighborhood looking at other twinkling lights. I am humbled by the volunteers who stand in the Minnesota cold, next to the red kettle, for someone else. I love the gathering, the scents, the laughter and the giving that this holiday kindles…
Merry Christmas Everyone!