Nailing the RSVP: 6 Tips for Wedding Invitation Success

Wedding RSVP on phone at wedding website

Your wedding is a significant event in your life, and you want everything to go perfectly. One of the most critical components of a wedding is sending out invitations and managing the RSVPs. Managing the RSVPs can be daunting, but with proper planning and organization, you can make the process less overwhelming. In this article, we'll provide you with tips on how to nail the RSVP process and ensure that your wedding invitation is a success.

1. Provide a Clear RSVP Deadline

Make sure your guests know when they need to RSVP by. Give them enough time to make a decision, but also ensure that you have enough time to plan for the final headcount. In order for you to stay on top of your wedding plan deadlines, your guests must also know when to RSVP by.

2. Offer Multiple Ways to RSVP

Providing multiple ways for guests to RSVP, such as online, email, and phone, can make it easier for them to respond in a way that's convenient for them. Be sure to clearly outline the different options on your invitation and provide any necessary information for each method. Don’t forget the phone number to text, website to visit, or address to mail the RSVP card back to!

3. Make it Easy to RSVP

Your guests are busy, so make sure it's easy for them to RSVP. Simplifying the RSVP process for guests is key to ensuring you get all of the necessary information to know your headcount. Provide clear instructions and make sure any necessary information, such as a website or phone number, is easy to find. Consider testing the RSVP process yourself to ensure it's user-friendly.

4. Follow Up With Guests

If you haven't received a response from a guest by the RSVP deadline, don't be afraid to follow up with them. A gentle reminder can go a long way in getting a response. Send a reminder, such as an email or phone call, to those who haven't responded by the deadline. Remember to be polite and understanding in your communication.

5. Keep Track of Responses

Keep a list of who has RSVP'd and who hasn't. This will help you plan for the final headcount and make any necessary adjustments. It will also help you follow up with guests who haven't responded. Create a spreadsheet or other tracking system to keep tabs on all reported RSVPs.

6. Use a QR Code

A QR code can make it even easier for your guests to RSVP. Simply include a QR code on your RSVP card that links to an online RSVP form or website. This eliminates the need for your guests to manually enter a website or phone number, making the RSVP process quicker and more convenient.

RSVP Cards on Various Invitation Suites

Here are a few examples of how RSVPs look on different types of wedding invitations! Stacked Wedding Invitations

Directional Signs

The RSVP card as a part of a stacked wedding invitation is the front card of your suite. This small card is completely customizable from the shape to the color palette to the typography. Personalize this RSVP card with all necessary information or a QR code for a modern touch! Pocket Wedding Invitations

Directional Signs

Our pocket wedding invitations include a RSVP card that seamlessly matches the design you choose. This RSVP enhances your wedding’s theme, while providing the necessary information to inquire about an RSVP from your guests. Personalize this card with the names of guests being invited and dinner options! All-In-One Wedding Invitations

Directional Signs

Our all-in-one wedding invitations feature a perforated RSVP card for conveniences for both you and your guests. This card comes attached to your invitation and perfectly enhances your invitation’s design. Add the date that RSVPs are due and any other important details for convenience!

Wedding RSVP and Wedding Invitation with a pen and notebooks

Managing RSVPs can be overwhelming, but with proper planning and organization, it can be a breeze. Ensure that you start with the basics, set the RSVP deadline, and keep track of RSVPs. With these tips, you'll nail the RSVP process and ensure that your wedding invitation is a success.