On Interfaith Marriages

*Warning* This blog post contains serious content but~ is still suitable for all audiences.

You're in love {check}

... but you're committed to different faiths.  Or, perhaps one of you is committed to a faith and the other is not.  Is this reason for concern? Does it really matter if two people have different faiths?  Won't love conquer the potential hurdles of married life anyways?

Well, while I sincerely believe that love never fails, I also think that interfaith marrying might just be one of those hurdles where love is put to the test.  If you're anything like me, you hate hurdles.  But, the fact of the matter is~ they can't be ignored.  Eventually, it becomes necessary to ask each other the big questions, anticipate scenarios and have thoughtful discussions... and best before the wedding day.

Do you know any couples who struggle in this regard? Since I'm married, my circle is made up of mostly married couples and I do know couples who struggle in this regard.

Here are some questions to ask each other in the main areas that interfaith marrying will impact mostly:

  1. Worshipping.  How do you feel about not worshiping together?
  2. Holiday celebrations.  Which ones will take priority?  What do your in laws expect of your involvement in customs, etc?
  3. Raising kids {the biggest consideration, in my book.}  In which faith will you raise your children?  Will you be ready with solid answers about your faith differences?
  4. Commitment. An active faith requires commitment.  Discuss the level of commitment you are comfortable with.
  5. Support. How will you continue to support each other?
  6. Conversion.  Is it necessary for one or the other to convert?
  7. Financial commitment. How will your giving be affected?
  8. Friendships. Will your friendships be impacted?

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? How are you working it out?

As always, I look forward to your thoughts!