Pre-Wedding Stress

A few months before my wedding, my FH and I were meeting with our minister and going over the ceremony details. As hard as it is to believe, we actually had an argument right there in front of the minister! Granted, it wasn't a huge disagreement, but I'll never forget looking over at the minister, expecting a worried, concerned look, but instead seeing her smiling, even chuckling at us. Of course that loosened us up a little as she went on to tell us how normal we were. Big sigh of relief!

As your wedding plans are about to, or have already, shifted into high gear, you've probably noticed that there's a teeny weeny bit more stress in your lives. Perhaps more conflicts are coming to the surface, and you may be wondering if it's all normal.

Truth is, pre-wedding conflict is common and absolutely normal. No matter how much time you have to plan your wedding, there will be stress.  Why is that?  Because you want everything to be absolutely perfect, however you define perfection.  You want your life-long dreams for this day to come true.  And, now that grooms are typically much more involved in the wedding plans than ever before, there may be more to consider than you originally planned for.  It's all good, but the opportunity for conflict just went up a notch.  What to do . . .

Here's a couple of things to try:

Compromise . . . avoid a 'my way or else' attitude.


Others may help, but ganging up could backfire.


Keep talking . . . the silent treatment will get you nowhere.


Present your side with a little gentle persuasion.

Respect and keeping an open mind will go a long way toward reaching solutions that both of you will be happy with.  What do you think are the most common pre-wedding conflicts, and what's the best way to handle it?

Photo courtesy Creative Commons

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