Pretty in Pink: Modern Holiday Color Trends

Happy Color Monday! And here's our color expert Lindsay to tell us about colors for this Christmas season...

Pink for Christmas? Why yes of course!
The holidays are officially upon us, so now it's time to dig out all those Christmas decorations (if you haven't already done so). What I'm surprised is at these days is all the new holiday color combinations out there! The classic colors of red, white, and green are being surpassed by modern holiday hues such as pink, tan, and almost any variation of green.

Sound weird to you? Well, don't cross these colors off your Christmas  palette yet: Check out these awesome color combinations from our collection of Christmas Cards. Aren't they just wonderful? Soft neutrals let the bold colors stand out and shine. Bright greens pop with the energy of the season, while pink tones add an airy feel that is calming and sweet.

wedding Christmas photo cardWedding Christmas Card

Wedding Christmas Cards      Christmas Card


As you're out buying decorations, wrapping paper and Christmas Cards, don't be afraid to experiment with these fun, "non-traditional" colors! Give one a try and who knows--you might just be delighted. Or, just start noticing all the crazy, cute combinations of colors this holiday season!

What do you think: Is pink a good color to use for Christmas? What new, non-traditional color combos do you plan to use this holiday season?