Simple Pleasures

Slow down and pick a tomato!

The only tomatoes I typically eat are the ones we grow ourselves in the summertime.  I love being able to walk right up to the plant, pick a cherry tomato, pop it in my mouth and be on my way.  So sweet, almost like candy.

This simple pleasure ranks right up there with~ a stretch of sun on a cool and cloudy day, all green lights when I'm in a hurry, a 10 minute power nap and the first cup of jo in the morning...

It's easy to take for granted the tiniest of pleasures that for most of us are so readily available.  This weekend I was feeling particularly grateful for these small, simple things.

Although this post isn't specifically "wedding" related, let it be a reminder to slow down, enjoy the process and maybe even pick a tomato.

What are you particularly grateful for today?