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Thinking about feathering your wedding? Plumage of all sorts immediately command attention. And, the gorgeous jewel-toned colors in peacock feathers {imho} top the list...

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Your branded look... d efine it with design. Yay! You're getting married! Want guests to remember this wedding that you're pouring your heart and soul into? Brand it with a...

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Can you say this about your wedding planning? Effortless. Every detail is falling into place. I'm on time, on task and within budget. My perfectly-behaved family members are a...

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I made a few fairly big changes to the decor in our living room recently but it wasn't until a few days later that my husband even noticed them. I just sat back and waited...

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Tonight's the night! We'll watch Pam and Jim finally take their relationship all the way to the altar. I'm sure it will {per usual} be an awkward adventure, full of hilarity...

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The recent news of Modern Bride and Elegant Bride closing shop has many of us thinking about the future of print media in general. Will it survive? And, how~ in this day and...

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Yay for receiving lines! I'm a big fan... Receiving lines are momentary one-on-ones with your guests where you have this wonderful opportunity to meet, greet, and thank each...

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For me, the best time of day is the early morning. It's the only time of day when the house is quiet and I feel that all the world is perfect, peaceful, and my stomach is flat...

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Maybe... you want to elope, wear a red wedding dress, let out your rockabilly side, walk down the aisle in your converse sneakers or carry feathers instead of flowers. Perhaps...

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Looking for just the right little black cocktail dress for the wedding rehearsal dinner or the honeymoon... or simply as a must- have in your wardrobe? Glamorous. Sexy...