Wedding Day Perfume…

The sense of smell is the strongest sense associated with memory.  What are you planning for your wedding day perfume?  Will you be wearing your every day fragrance, scented body lotion or are you on the hunt for the most luscious of all scents... perfect for your personality... one that your love will never, ever forget?

Will it be Vera's Bouquet , something lovely and feminine from Chanel or perhaps the perfect perfume oil with just a hint of lavender...?  Oh, the possibilities.

While you search, keep in mind that perfumes have a mixture of alcohol in them and a tendency to evaporate quicker while perfume oils blend with your body chemistry and last longer.  Ask about the mixtures.

Tip: Using the accompanying scented body lotion along with your fragrance will help the scent last longer.

So, what will you do or what did you do for your wedding day scent?  How did you find just the right one?

Tell us in the comments!

Photo Courtesy: creative commons

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