When it comes to planning your wedding, choosing bridesmaid dresses is one of the most exciting yet challenging tasks. The dresses should complement your overall vision while...
You're cake people~ pies and cupcakes are not options. A beautiful wedding cake that wows guests and commands attention is all you're asking for. But, how do you have your...
Evoke a mood. The hues in these blues make for a peaceful, easy feeling... Contrast white with blue for that oh-so cool, crisp look. style code: Inv-11657 Whimsical and...
I’m married to a sweetheart; he’s funny, kind, considerate... Great qualities and yet, we are so completely different. As an experiment and just to amuse myself, I watched him...
Celebrate your marriage as well as honor your deceased loved one! It can be done beautifully, respectfully and meaningfully without it being depressing... Some Great Ideas: A...
A co-worker recently asked me if I could write a blog post about what to do for 1st wedding anniversaries. His is quickly approaching and he needs some ideas. First...
Your wedding, your way! I love the freedom inherently found behind the save the date concept. Designs can be zany, sweet, thematic, casual, formal, or a combination thereof~...
Ambience! Create it with soft lighting for that oh-so- romantic atmosphere at your venues. Manufacture the mood with low-key lighting that is easily accomplished by stringing...
Go ahead, roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into your wedding planning. Whether you hire professionals or you DIY the whole thing, research relative costs, seek...
Romance in the Victorian era... glancing over your right shoulder you see your love. He’s staring at you. Time stands still before he moves toward you~ carrying a small...
We woke up to snow this morning and while conceding to its beauty, I am ready for Easter and springtime... Spring is about color, new growth, opportunities and certainly...