How to Unlock the Ever-Elusive Connection in Business: A Playbook Inspired by Football Schedules

In the fast-paced world of business, establishing and maintaining connections can sometimes feel like chasing a football down a long field—it requires strategy, timing, and a bit of finesse. But what if the secret to building strong, lasting business connections was inspired by something as simple as a football schedule? Yes, you read that right! Football schedules aren't just for sports enthusiasts; they can be a surprisingly effective tool in the marketing and business world. Let’s dive into how the structure and rhythm of football schedules can help you forge deeper connections in your business.

1. Football Schedules: A Marketing Tool for Building Connections

Football Schedule for Connections

Football season is more than just a series of games; it’s a carefully planned calendar that keeps fans engaged, excited, and coming back week after week. Imagine applying that same concept to your business relationships. A football schedule is predictable, reliable, and creates anticipation—all qualities that can be invaluable when trying to connect with clients, partners, and even employees.

How It Works

Engagement: Football games bring people together, creating a community of shared interests. Similarly, your communities' football calendar can help you build a community around your brand, fostering a sense of belonging among your clients.

2. Calendar as Connection: Planning for a Whole Year

Football Schedule Calendar

A football schedule lasts for months on your communities' fridges, allowing fans to keep your contact information at the front of their mind. In business, having a year-long calendar of scheduled engagements can be a game-changer. This not only keeps you organized but also shows your clients that you’re thinking ahead—something that builds confidence and reliability.

Why It’s Effective

Visibility: A visible calendar is a constant reminder of your information, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. It’s like knowing the big game is on Sunday—you wouldn’t want to miss it, right?

3. Repeated Contacts: The Key to Long-Term Connections

Football Repeated Contacts

In football, teams meet on the field week after week, building rivalries, camaraderie, and a shared history. Similarly, in business, repeated contact is the foundation of a long-term relationship. It’s not just about making a single impressive pitch or sending one well-crafted email—it’s about the ongoing dialogue.

The Power of Repetition

Building Trust: Repeated interactions signal to clients and partners that you’re reliable and committed. Over time, this builds trust—an essential element in any business relationship.

Staying Top-of-Mind: Just like a football team that’s always on your radar, regular contact keeps your business top-of-mind for your clients. When they need a service or product you offer, you’ll be the first one they think of.


The parallels between football schedules and business connections may not be immediately obvious, but they’re certainly effective. By applying the principles of consistency, strategic planning, and repeated contact, you can build stronger, more meaningful connections in the business world. Whether you're a football fan or not, there's no denying that a well-structured schedule is a winning strategy.

So, the next time you sit down to watch a game, consider how you can take a page from the playbook and apply it to your business relationships. After all, the key to the ever-elusive connection might just be hiding in plain sight—on the football field.