Rustic Engagement Pics & Video Proposal

I think we're featuring the most adorable couple on the planet today--or really close to it. Meet highly creative & super-romantic Prentice and his very lovely bride-to-be Trisha. Not only will their gorgeous, rustic-country engagement session pics make you smile--but Prentice's *Chris Brown* music video proposal {below} is so romantic and shows just how far Prentice would go, to show Trisha how much he loves her! Enjoy both.

Wedding Style: vintage, country-chic
Wedding Colors: blush, minty green and tans
Photographer: Lindsey Cotton {See entire Abilene, TX e-session here.}
Save the Date: MagnetStreet Weddings
"Chris Brown" Video Proposal

MagnetStreet Save the Date Magnet

What was it like to work with Lindsey Cotton--your photographer?
We would like to thank Lindsey for all she has done so far and still to come. She is a great person to work with and likes to have fun.

What did you think of MagnetStreet's designs and website? 
We loved the user-friendly layout. There were so many options to choose from that we could see ourselves using. The prices were great as well. They were well within our budget and would fit into anyone’s budget. Trisha & Prentice used Devoted Save the Date Magnet design.

vintage country e-session

Texas engagment session

Texas engagement session

rustic chic engagement session

vintage country e-session

vintage country e-session

vintage country e-session

vintage country e-session


Ok, let's talk about this crazy-cool, super-creative *Chris Brown* video proposal of yours, Prentice ...

How did you come up with such a creative, elaborate proposal plan?
Ever since Trisha and I became serious about getting married, I told her that when I proposed it was going to be huge. Trisha and I are not the typical couple. So, when I proposed I had to do something unusual. Trisha’s favorite artist is Chris Brown. So me and a friend got together to brainstorm how I could give her the best proposal. I finally decided to do a Chris Brown lip-syncing video to propose. I knew Trisha would get a kick out of this. Me acting crazy in the video would also express the ends at which I would go to show Trisha how much I loved her.

Are you always this creative?
I would like to say I’m always this creative. Every time I give Trisha a gift I like to put a creative twist on it. The proposal is by far the most over the top I have gotten though. I try to do the little things with each gift to make it my own style.

What was the most important part of the proposal? {besides the final Q&A of course}
The most important part of the proposal was making sure the Christmas party went according to plan. I had to make sure her family snuck in through the back door without giving it away. I had to make sure Trisha was in the right spot so she could be in front of the TV when the video came on. I also had to make sure I did not give it away throughout the night while I was at the party. Lastly, the toughest part of the proposal was getting Trisha to actually wear what was in the video. I thought it would be simple for her to wear what I gave her, but it took some heavy convincing from her friends to get her to actually wear the outfit.

How many friends helped you?
In all, I had a total of 6 friends help me. Kim Osborne was the friend who helped me come with the Chris Brown idea. James Graham was the friend who recorded me and helped edit the video. Ken Hurd and Chris Goffney were my friends in the opening scene. And D’Angelo and Janelle Sands were my friends who let me do the whole proposal at their house.

How long were you in the planning?
The total project took a solid month and a half of solid work. I was doing something every day working towards the video.

And, how much fun did you have—planning, executing?
This was probably one of the most fun times I have had. It took a lot of work, but it was worth it. I had fun thinking about all the little things I could hide throughout the video that are special to us. Trying to dance was pretty funny too. Considering I NEVER dance for anyone.

Trisha--what were you thinking the moment Prentice gave you the clothes to wear?
Prentice surprises me with little things every once in a while, so it wasn’t really anything new. I was kind of shocked that he gave it to me at my work though because he will usually do things like that when it is just us two together. I thought it was so sweet though--I almost started crying. I was grinning all day because it was just such a sweet thing he had done.

How did you feel as the proposal video unfolded?
I have never felt so special in my entire life as I did at that moment. I was in total shock that someone would do something like that just for me. I felt so loved and he truly made me believe that I was the only one for him. I love him so much for sacrificing his time and making that night so memorable! I couldn’t stop smiling afterwards. I was blessed to have such a beautiful night.

And to have your family there too ...
It really meant a lot to have my family there. It felt special that Prentice knew me well enough to know that would be important for my family to be there during that time. I am thankful that they love Prentice, so just seeing the happiness on their faces and their excitement made me cry.

What are you both most looking forward to on wedding day?

Prentice: I’m just ready for the day to get here. I’m excited about getting both of our families together to celebrate with us. I’m excited to become the “Ashfords” officially.
Trisha: I’m most excited about Prentice and I becoming our own family. I also can’t wait to see the excitement of our friends and families faces that day. Everyone in our lives cannot wait. I just can’t wait to see Prentice as I walk down the aisle to marry him … he is my best friend.

Watch the video...

So Prentice, do you feel added pressure to keep everything “big” from now on? 
Actually, I don’t feel the pressure. I know if I try to put that pressure on myself I won’t be able to live up to it. This will also keep Trisha on her toes. After a couple of moments of not-as-big gifts, that’s when I can pull something amazing off. It all goes back to the creativity. If I stay creative and heart felt with the way I present, then I won’t have to go big every time.


Congratulations you two! Thanks for letting us share in your incredible proposal video and engagement photos. So fabulous. Please please, come back with your wedding photos! Love, peace and joy to you always!
