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This is precisely why I love Save the Dates... no rules! Our brides and grooms are so clever! Although Nikki and Joey went to high school together, they didn't start dating...

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Last week we were inspired by Heidi as she described for us what a wedding looks like that is influenced by tradition . Even I, a devout drumbeater for all that’s unique was...

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I had the pleasure of chatting with Brooke when she was a bride-to-be, in the last throes of wedding planning. As of this past Saturday, Brooke and Jeff are now married! WAHOO...

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We know that a tradition is something that is handed down from generation to generation ... beliefs, customs, information, etc. People are getting married all over the world...

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Wine... Cheese... Brioche and Baguettes... It's inspiration Friday and today we're exploring the warm, inviting and casual elegance of a French country theme. When I think of...

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Your wedding, your way! I love the freedom inherently found behind the save the date concept. Designs can be zany, sweet, thematic, casual, formal, or a combination thereof~...

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I recently read an entertaining article in which the author describes his cousin’s reaction to receiving a save the date notice in the mail. His response... invitation by...

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Bestowing gifts on one's wedding guests is a tradition that goes back a long way~ centuries in fact. Initiating in Europe, the custom began with giving the guest a beautiful...

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When I got married, all wedding invitations looked basically the same. The place of business I got them from was unremarkable, I don’t even recall the name. What I do remember...