Before my husband and I got married, I remember having conversations about the debt we would incur once we combined our lives. I had debt from school loans and since he had...

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Personally, I'm not in favor of cash bars at wedding receptions. This is the first party you're throwing together as husband and wife. Would you charge if they came to your...

Since 1924, we’ve been giving it up for Dad’s everywhere, thanks to President Calvin Coolidge’s proclamation. Father's Day is right around the corner, June 15th. How will you...

Congratulations to Valerie M. from Ohio~ our very first winner of the weekly GIVEAWAY. Treat yourself to some romantic inspiration this Tuesday morning... read Valerie's story...

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Are there people in your life that aren't fulfilling their obligations? Not returning your calls? Not living up to their word~ seemingly, just taking up your space? REFUSE to...

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I've always wanted a tabletop herb garden so I planted one this weekend. Here it is~ brimming with my fav's: basil, rosemary and a sugar herb (I don't know much about the...

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Go ahead, roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into your wedding planning. Whether you hire professionals or you DIY the whole thing, research relative costs, seek...

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Romance in the Victorian era... glancing over your right shoulder you see your love. He’s staring at you. Time stands still before he moves toward you~ carrying a small...

With the average engagement lasting around 17 months, there's plenty of time to stock up on bridal books and salivate over sample bars and exotic flavorings in wedding cakes...

Admittedly, I love beautiful things~ I just don’t like to pay a lot of money for them and although some things are costly no matter what, usually whatever “they” are, can be...