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Making a grand entrance and a bunch of noise were the 20 some odd thunderous pipes that rode up as a surprise to greet newlyweds~ Alexandra and Anthony at their wedding...

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Want to start your day smiling? Read what these kids have to say about the idea of falling in love. Sent in to GreatDad.com these responses are hilarious and way more...

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Interested in a new recipe for one of the many wedding-related parties you're hosting or attending this fall? You're in luck! I was thrilled to happen upon "the best" pumpkin...

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An optimist and a realist, I firmly believe that you can have the wedding of your dreams, on the budget you have! There is no reason to break the bank or go into debt just...

Before my husband and I got married, I remember having conversations about the debt we would incur once we combined our lives. I had debt from school loans and since he had...

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This past weekend my husband and I had the honor of participating in the wedding ceremony of two of our good friends, Don and Kim. We were assigned to read aloud three sets of...

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Food . . . we socialize around it, sometimes indulge in it, and of course receive our daily sustenance from it. As you plan and finalize what you'll serve at your reception...

Thank you to the Dallas Wedding Planner Something Blue Blog for featuring our "Go Green" Inspiration Board. Go ahead, sneak a peek. And, check out the pretty blue honeymoon...

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Add a little color or a lot of color to your wedding this fall or next season with stunning and beautiful jewel tones, modeled after nature's own bling. Ya gotta love nature...

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Love the look, style and feel of a certain era? Glitz and glam of old Hollywood, the jazz age of the 20's, the nifty 50's... Consider having a retro wedding theme. By...